Monday, November 17, 2008

Sleep over with the Spracklens

We had the Spracklen cousins over for a sleep over!! My kiddos love having them sooooo close
Kayleigh and Belle put on make up and did their hair and had to pose for the camera
Rarrrrrrrrr Xave and Koy said they were diggin a hole to China Kayleigh and Belle raked leaves. We also made chocolate chip cookies but that picture just vanished. Alissa, me and Shan stayed inside and slept in our nice beds Xave trying to do what Koy is doing in the next picture Isn't that a cool pic??
The kids out on the tramp for their sleep over. They thought my flash was really bright! It rained in the middle of the night and they all came in but left the sleeping bags and pillows outside. Lots of laundry to do the next day but it was worth it.

1 comment:

Alysha said...

I love the difference between boys and girls. its so funny to see in the pics.