Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bedroom Makeover

Ever since I have moved into my very own home I have been wanting to paint and decorate! I finally was able to get the paints to make this house my house!! I didn't even have to ask anybody if I could do it or not!! I JUST DID IT!! :o)
The room before had grayish carpet, gray walls and then with my Dark bedding I have to say this was a very dark room. So these of course are the before pictures.
AFTER I was so happy to find this bedding at Fred Meyer!! I bought the sea foam paint to match for the walls an then wanted the dark chocolate for the "headboard" The blue squares behind the bed were inspired by my Aunt LaVonne's plates. She was an incredible potter and artist. She even has a pottery place in Baker City dedicated in her memory. I thought this was an awesome way to display them. I am now very happy in my bedroom and it no longer feels dark and drab but light and happy. I still want to put a chocolate bench in front of the bed and a rug to go under that with both colors in it. Watch for updates, Alissa's princess room is next to be complete then on to the other kids and the downstairs!!! Tons of fun work ahead of me!!!


Blonde African Americans said...

Very nice, I really like the colors

Blonde African Americans said...

Karissa I love it too! I have been telling Raphael for the past year I wanted to do that color bedspread because it would look so good with the dark brown wood bedroom furniture and he didn't get what I was telling him. I had to laugh when he saw your post and said he liked the colors. Now it sinks in. I guess we women just have to do it and then they will understand afterwards!!great job and looks like fun xoxo T

Alysha said...

looks so good! You are so talented!

Boehme said...

Wow, I love the room. I wish I had an eye for that kind of stuff. I should have you do ours.

The Rebel said...

Love the bedding.....good choice : )