Monday, November 24, 2008

Go My Son

Hey Andrea and Sibs! I don't know if all of you remember this or not but Andrea and I were talking about this the other day. Do you remember all the records we listened to as kids?? Andrea and I were singing the Indian one and I found it!! I can't figure out how to post it here but here is the link. The song starts at 1:50 so you can fast forward it to there. I LOVE that we have so many childhood memories that involve music. There isn't a week that goes by that a song doesn't jar a lost memory. Thank you also Andrea for finding the oldies country that plays on Sunday nights. I again forgot about it yesterday but when I do remember I enjoy it soooooo much!!! Also Andrea (sorry I guess childhood memories only involve you today **wink**) Look at my playlist!!! HA!!

1 comment:

Alysha said...

So fun, I remember too, even if Andrea is your inspiration. And I thought that Fishin in the Dark was my song!