Thursday, February 12, 2009

To have a baby or not to have a baby

So lately I have not been able to get the baby thought out of my head.
I know I know! I can't believe I am even thinking about it.
Six kids are a lot! And also it is sooo perfect being three girls and three boys. It has been almost 6 months since these thoughts have been entering my crazy head and I can't seem to get them out! There are soooo many reasons to not EVER get pregnant again...
1) Not sleeping
2) Not having control over your own body
3)Not being able to wear whatever you want because you need quick access to food or they just plain don't fit!
4) Well, back to number three and knowing I will blow up about 50 to 60 lbs.
5)Going back to NO independence and having life controlled by a sweet chubby little boss.
6) The feeling of being stuck
Okay so those could go on and on but then there are the FABULOUS, FANTASTIC, AMAZING parts.
1) The first moment you see him/her for the first time
(I could relive that moment over and over and over again)
2) The sweet smacking noises they make when they eat
3) The first tiny step
4) Trying to make them giggle and smile
oh those could go on and on and on and on
Shan is...
and pretty much broken in the baby making department
Yesterday, I decided I would just check and see what the cost and effectiveness of a reversal would be.
6,000 to 10,000 dollars and only an 80% chance afterwards.
Or you could go for the syringe of sperm but that is costly too.
So, now that I know it is VERY impossible without winning the lottery maybe I will finally have some closure.
I think I am just a woman who was born with the baby making gene.
or maybe I am going through a 32 year old crisis of seeing my baby turn 4 next month and leaving me for school in a year and a half.
I also think of how wonderful it would be to have my kids enjoy the pregnancy and new baby process.
I had four babies in five years exactly to the date and they were really too little to really get into it.
I will love on and kiss my kiddos and enjoy the pieces out of them!
Because there are times when I go..


Alysha said...

You are too funny! No wonder they won't let men get neutered unless they are older and/or have children already... such a permanent decision!

Lissa will just have to always be your baby!

Tami said...

So funny I had the final decision yesterday too!

I babysat on Tuesday and- you never get any time to yourself, it takes you an extra 50 minutes to get any where- pure cure!
Also now they are 5 years apart at the least- Alysha and Matt- no I will take the 1 year at home with one child and be happy-

now I probably will get pregnant!

Dads(2) said...

You are a nut and a half!

Sprack Attack said...

You are crazy. Once I hit the no more diapers, sleeping through the night, and enjoyed that stage for a couple of years there was no going back for me.

The Rebel said...

NO FREAKIN' WAY!!! I'M SOOOOOO FINISHED IN THAT DEPARTMENT!!!! My baby will be 10 on April 14th. NO SADNESS WHAT SO EVER HERE!!!!! I'm looking forward to grandchildren. My mother was just 1 1/2 mos. from turning 42 when Daegon was born. I'll be 42 in less than 5 yrs.