Our newest member of the family!!
*when ever I say his name I think of throwing up my hands and wiggling my fingers and saying.."Jett" now jazz hands lol*
He is an incredible litttle cutie
He is very VERY smart!
He knows, sit, lay down, crawl, bed, potty and come!
We are working on stay, off leash outside and staying by my side when walking and running
He is a Boxer/Shih Tzo mix
How did that happen?
We are so glad it did though!!
He was done with the pics so he started making faces like my other kiddos
We can't wait to share him in person with all of you out there!!
Jumps and Licks
Oh I LOVE boxers. Our Marley is a Boxer/black lab mix. She practically trained herself. I'm so excited for you to have a new puppy. I keep working on Michael to let me get a Great Dane:)
Very Cute! Thanks for posting!
Great Danes are wonderful dogs!! I would keep working for it!!!
He is so cute! I can't wait to meet him!
What a sweet heart. I love animals and I am so happy that your little guy has a great forever home :)
How is the new puppy working out?
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