Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Exercise jolt! Enough said.....


Tami said...

I'll exercise 1 one hour a day! And lowering my calorie intake to 1000-1200 has lost me a grand total of 6 pounds last week!

evi said...

If I'm not going to the gym, my lower back will start hurting after about 3 weeks. That's when I know, I've been awfully lazy!

Right now my back hurts like hell - a hint for not exercising for more than 2 weeks... Thanks Karissa for reminding me of the following:

"I wonder what your busy schedule would fit better: One hour of exercise a day or surgery due to a slipped disk" :-(

Alysha said...

Too true!

Angelkisses said...

Great job Tami!! WOW!!